Jun Oson — UBJun Oson ( B.1979 )

 Born in Japan
Stare, Solo Show, Gallery Target, Tokyo 
Just Looking, Solo Show, Moosey Art, London
DISTANCE in HK, Solo Show, Gallery Ascend
DISTANCE, Solo Show, Diesel Art Gallery, Tokyo
SHARELAND, Solo Show, Qingxu Museum, Beijing
Childhood Memories, Group Show, Volery Gallery, Dubai
BLOOM, Group Show, Maison Ozmen, Paris
Tokyo Art Fair, Gallery Target, Tokyo
Moosey Art, Group Show, London
MPB Exhibition, Group Show, Tsutaya Bookstore, Daikanyama 
fantastic days LAST, Group Show, Tambourine Gallery, Japan
Jun Oson은 일본 가마쿠라를 기반으로 활동하는 일러스트레이터이자 아티스트로서 어린 시절 무의식적으로 영향을 받아온 7-80년대의 대중 문화, 특히 만화와 애니메이션을 바탕으로 작업을 진행해오고 있다. 작가는 James Javis 와 KAWS와 같은 서양 예술가의 요소를 바탕으로 독특한 색채와 형태를 가지고 전형적인 일본 애니메이션 기법을 더하여 장난스러우면서도 코믹한 캐릭터들을 감각적으로 구현해내고 있습니다. '다양성'이란 작가가 작업으로서 관객에게 전달하고 싶어하는 가장 중요한 가치로서 작품 속의 각기 다양한 피부색을 가진 인물, 로봇, 혹은 상상 속의 생물과 같은 여러 형태로 표현됩니다.
Jun Oson started his illustrator career in 2005. Characters with a peanut-shaped feature were created at that time. His artworks have a stateless style based on the influence of manga and animations that he has been unconsciously influenced since childhood, with elements from Western artists such as James Jarvis and KAWS. It may be similar to the way the Japanese, who maintained a unique culture, are being influenced by the West to create a more special culture. In addition to people with various skin colors, monsters and robots appear in his works. “Diversity” is something he has always had since he started his career and is fundamental to his values. He has done a lot of work as an illustrator and has become known to many people in Japan.
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